Monday, March 10, 2008

I'm on leave

It's school holidays this week so I've taken leave to spend more time with the boys. :-)

On the training front, I'm still recovering from the flu and hacking out green stuff, so it's another no training week. :-(


i am Susan said...'s been awhile since I have been by your blog. I will definitely have to sit down this weekend and read through everything.

Our little Simon blew his training wheels last summer. Really...he wore them down so much that by the end of the summer he was riding on the rims. So this year we must get him on the two wheels.

Funny how your boys go through every single puddle. Boys will be boys.

Unknown said...

May you heal quickly from the flu bug.

Enjoy your week with the boys!!

CR said...

Hope you're feeling better! Green stuff is NOOOO fun.